as we prepare for this move to LA, the future is filled with uncertainty and i'm having a hard time grabbing ahold of the positive, adventure, side of uncertainty. instead i'm mourning the loss of the Gather and Hunt shop space (which closes at the end of the month), worrying that i won't have another chance to really do what i love, and giving myself over to the comparison trap. yuck. i know this is no way to be and i don't like it, but it's hard to fight it off.
some days posting here is a struggle- i'm not really sure if it even matters. i strive for original content in most of my posts, rather than only grabbing images from other blogs or sites and sharing them because they're pretty, but i wonder if it's really worth the effort. i used to think i wasn't really a blogger, but over the last 7 months or so i've discovered that i really want to be, that i enjoy putting something lovely out into the world and i love connecting with people i'll probably never meet in real life through this forum. from spending time styling every photo i post here and styling my own home in a more intentional way, i've discovered i may actually prefer styling to retailing. i think i enjoy sharing all the wonderful vintage goods i find with anyone who will look through photos and blog posts more than sharing them via a shop. all of these things really drive me to find new ways to make this blog something you'll want to come back to every day, but i don't always feel like i have it in me. i hope that i do.
i know this is far more personal than i usually get in this space, but i hope you don't mind. though i may never meet many of you- i do feel like this is a little community and there's something helpful to me in sharing my thoughts with you here. with all the madness in the world around us (my thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this horrible shooting in Colorado), i know that my silly troubles aren't really that important, but i'm grateful to be able to share them with you.
for those of you that comment and engage with me through various social media platforms- thank you. those comments and tweets and FB posts really make my day and keep me encouraged. i appreciate you. and now i ask for more of those comments- how do you beat the blahs?
thanks for listening friends. i hope you have a lovely weekend! i'll be back a little later today with details on the sale at the Vintage Mall space, which starts this weekend.