vintage shopping

Farm Chicks Time!

Though I won't be there this year- vending


attending- I had to take a moment to give


, one of my favorites in the vintage world, and her amazing

Farm Chicks Show

, a shout out.

Beginning Saturday, June 1st at 9am, the fairgrounds in Spokane, WA will be transformed into an amazing wonderland of vintage goodness. A curated show, Farm Chicks is one booth after another just full of some of the best vintage in the country. If you're anywhere near Spokane this weekend- I highly recommend a trip to the show- you won't regret it!


Wild Whimsy

booth via

Heather Bullard


It's been a sad and strange feeling the last few days, knowing that I won't be a part of the fun this year. Though I'm grateful to not be loading a trailer up right now- I do wish I was headed to Spokane for a weekend of vintage shopping. If you attend, you'll have to tell me all about it- I might be jealous, but I'd love to hear what you found!

finds to fancy

i have to sigh a bit at myself- i keep planning to get back on a regular schedule with blogging, but i never seem to make it happen. this week i started a new, temporary, job and that's made things even worse- i'm definitely out of practice with getting up before 5AM and then working on my feet for full 8 hour days so it's been a rough week (like get-home-and-feel-like-i-can't-move rough). i even tried to use my lunch break to get this post up, but didn't finish it in time and was under the weather last night so i'm sharing this post on a Saturday. okay, enough about that- onto the finds! 

last weekend i attended my first California estate sale. i wasn't sure what to expect, especially since i didn't make the effort to get up early and get on a list. i was pleasantly surprised, upon arriving about 20 minutes after the sale had started, to not have to wait in line to get in. i was delighted to find that the items i was hoping to score, which i had seen in the listing photos, were still there waiting for me! it wasn't a big sale so i didn't get much, but the prices weren't too high and i definitely found some things i fancy so overall i'd say it was a great way to kick off estate sale-ing in my new locale! 

we'll start with the things i'm keeping for myself...

another rubber office stamp to add to the stamp carousel i picked up from Oh Hello Friend at the Rose Bowl Flea Market. 

the cutest hide-a-key box i've ever seen!

and finally- a milk glass cake stand. i've been looking for one just like this for awhile now, but the ones i've found before were either too damaged or too expensive. this one is perfect and i'm so excited to add it to my collection!

now for the things i'll be adding to the g&h inventory (read on to the end to hear some exciting news about the first ever California g&h event)...

if you like what you see, and live in the LA area, i'm happy to announce that you'll be able to purchase g&h goods next weekend at the Oh Hello Friend Holiday Vintage Sale! admission is free, but we'd love to know how many to expect so just click on the link above for all the details and to RSVP. i'll have some more details up next week and Danni will share a post about the sale as well on the Oh Hello Friend blog so check back with both blogs next week! i'm looking forward to meeting new friends and sharing g&h with my new state. oh, and if you know anyone in the LA area who likes vintage i'd be grateful if you'd help spread the word!

happy weekend everyone! i'm off to sort through some Christmas boxes for a few things to add to the sale. i hope you enjoy the day, whatever you may be doing.

today's the day! the bestie and i get to hit some estate sales together! it's been a very, very long time since we've done that and i am so excited!

since we'll be on the road all day (heading out to the first sale at 6:30am) i thought i'd try something a little different for this week's finds to fancy post- we're going live!

kind of love those early morning drives in the truck- it can be so beautiful out there! 

all day long i'll be snapping instagram shots of what we're gathering and you can follow along three different ways:

one. instagram. if you're an instagram user- follow me! my username is danaerolyn. if you don't have an iphone or aren't an instagram user, you can still follow via my instagrid.

two/three. twitter/facebook. i'll be sharing today's shots on both the gather and hunt facebook page and twitter account. if you don't already 'like' the g&h facebook page- i'd love for you to click that little button today! i've also been having a lot of fun interacting with readers over on twitter, so feel free to 'follow' me as well!

now if you don't really do the social media thing- no worries- i'll post all the photos here later!

okay, ready? let's head out on the hunt! see you on the road!

ha ha- a very flattering shot of me!
oh, and as always- i want to see your finds! email them to me at danae{at}gatherandhuntvintage{dot}com so i can share them here on a future friday!

UPDATE: for those who weren't following along on Friday, here's the whole collection of instagram photos from our day out on the hunt...

this jeep was parked across the street from me while i waited for the first sale- i had to snap a photo

it was a very rainy friday

follow the signs

my trusty bean boots are great for rainy days waiting in lines

Effi, Melissa's littlest one, came along for the adventure- she was such a trooper! 

had to make a pit stop for coffee between sales (my cup sleeve is handmade by Laura Bucci)

some fun things Melissa found at the first sale

love this great trunk with awesome travel labels

royal typewriter, in a tweed case

i've driven by this old (non-functioning) gas station a hundred times, so i figured i should finally take a photo!

cool boxes

early 60's Vera Neumann tablecloth

we grabbed lunch at oddfellows before moving into the non-vintage phase of our shopping

milk glass vases

trio of lovely blue mason jars (the one in the front is an extra old one)

pretty design on these match boxes

instant pocket knife collection- that one in the back is humongous! 

i can never resist a tiny bottle

march's first find to fancy comes all the way from Mexico! Ari, a wonderful gal i worked with back in my other life as a coffee shop manager, recently moved to Mexico from Seattle to help a family member out. she has been making me a teeny bit jealous with all her Facebook posts about life there (i would love to live in Mexico someday)!

her find:

it's pretty cute right? Ari writes:

I found this at a local segunda (second hand store) named Los Globos in La Paz, BCS, Mexico. We were actually looking for dressers but I saw this cute hanging on the wall. It wasn't priced, but I loved the cute owl so much that I went to the woman and said "quanto?" (which means "how much is it" essentially). I'm still not even sure if it was supposed to be for sale, but she told me it was 30 pesos, and when translated to US currency that is about $2.35. I've been looking for grey/black smaller framed drawings for awhile to put in my bathroom at home and this was just perfect, and what a steal! 

what a steal indeed! thanks Ari for sending me the first international find to fancy! can't wait to see what else you find in Mexico!

do you have a find you fancy? send it to me! email me at danae{at}gatherandhuntvintage{dot}com so i can share it!

happy friday everyone! i'm heading to the thrifts today- what are you up to?


there was a time when i worked in a cubicle. a grey cubicle. i was surrounded with perfectly lovely people, people whose voices i could hear over the walls of my cubicle, but who i couldn't see. this made me a very sad girl. then one day, i left this land of cubicles and ventured out on my own. i miss the people i met in those cubicles (and the ones who were lucky enough to have offices), but i greatly prefer the life i have now.

if you didn't already guess- today i am grateful for the opportunity to have a business. and this business wouldn't be what it is without a place to display and sell all the vintage goodness i gather each week- the Fremont Vintage Mall.

{photo via Reware Vintage}
the FVM is a collection of vendors who lease spaces and then fill those spaces with whatever sorts of vintage goods appeal to them. the FVM provides an awesome staff so as a vendor all i have to do is restock my inventory, tag my goods, reset displays, and tidy a few times a week (in an ideal world). it's a great, low-risk way to start a brick and mortar vintage business. this made it a great choice when Melissa and i were starting our first vintage business, Dear Darling, since we were living in different cities and had no idea if we'd make any money!

 a bunch of our friends, Melissa, and i at the Dear Darling grand opening.
 the space at the FVM has definitely changed over the last few years...

at the Dear Darling grand opening

the last few months of Dear Darling

right after the transition from Dear Darling to Gather and Hunt

after trading out some grey shelving for white cabinets 

...but every day i'm filled with gratitude for a place where i can bring vintage treasures to find new life with others who love vintage.

what are you grateful for this week?


if you're in the Seattle area i hope you'll visit the Fremont Vintage Mall to see all the vintage goodness for yourself. starting tonight you also have the chance to get some great deals at the grand opening of FVM owner Jamie Hoffman's newest project, Auction House. for those of you outside Seattle you can shop for great vintage clothing and accessories at their sister company- Atlas Clothing- on Etsy.

on the hunt: instagram edition

one of the primary ways i find goods for the gather and hunt shop is estate sales. the thrifts can be kind of hit or miss in Seattle and their prices have gotten a little out of control, so estate sales are the way to go. of course, sometimes estate sales are just as hit and miss and this past weekend turned out to be a feast and famine weekend at the sales...

famine. friday was terrible! two different sales and all i found were these two items:

love the colors on this cute water jug! 

a whole stack of shooting targets from Sears!
they're great items, but only two things? come on!

feast. saturday was epic! i had seen a sale listed in west seattle that was being held by my favorite estate sale company out here- Donnelly & Donnelly (they are such good people and their prices are very reasonable)- and from the photos they posted i knew it was going to be amazing! 

my best 'haul' in weeks!

my good friend katie and i headed over a little over 2 hours before the sale started so we could get our names on the list. we grabbed some breakfast and then came back for our numbers (estate sales are complicated out here- but i'll save that for another post)- #15 and #16- not too shabby! with numbers like that we were in the first wave of people let in and we split up and started filling our enormous bags! 

heading out on the road at 6:30am definitely requires our fuel of choice- house made chai from Victrola Coffee

katie and i debated about who should buy this lamp. turns out katie has enough lamps, so i grabbed it for the shop. 

katie picked up that cute raccoon shoe brush guy to put outside her apartment building for her tenants to clean their shoes. we accidentally broke one of 'coonie's' paws off but a little super glue set him right!

katie found some amazing stuff, including that beautiful turkish rug. it had a few little holes so it was a steal and it'll look amazing in her apartment!

while i was unpacking everything the afternoon sunlight was illuminating all the vintage colors just perfectly so i snapped a shot of the prettiest stuff. 

my favorite find from the weekend. i saw this blanket in a photo and deduced which room it might be in. i made a beeline for it when we entered the house and snagged it seconds before another lady scooped up most of the blankets! 

i hope you enjoyed this little peek into the weekend hunt! if you're intrigued about estate sales now, keep  an eye out for a post i'm working on- the g&h guide to estate sale victory.